Ok, I'm not a big drinker; let me say that upfront. That being said, I like a margarita or two when out with friends. That's my drink of choice.
Since I've been back in town over the last year, I have had, let's say, over ten under fifteen different margaritas from different places.
But I have only had one, twice. That is Charro Margarita from The Monica (@themonicatucson).
Yes, it is the same Charro as the delicious Mexican restaurant we know and love. The one that is the "oldest restaurant in America owned by the same family" and that invented the chimichanga. In fact, it was Monica Flin who started El Charro, who was cooking for children in her family when she accidentally dropped a burro in a pan of oil. Rather than cussing a common Spanish cuss word that began with "C," Monica yelled out "chimichanga," and the rest is history.
That is the Monica that The Monica is named after. Monica is known as Tucson's Grande Dame of Women restaurateurs from the 1920s to the 1970s.
Hence, the name for my new favorite drink in the city. The Charro Margarita is so smooth, and it's not overwhelmed by the taste of alcohol. It's also so refreshing. My second time having this drink was yesterday, amid this ungodly heat wave (why did I move back again?). It was a balmy 107 degrees downtown yesterday, and the Charro just hit the spot—both of them. I go for the salt rim instead of the Tajín but to each their own.
And I loved the brashness of the drink's description on the menu. Where all the other drink listings include the ingredients, the Charro description simply states, "House recipe, perfect." And it is just that.
And, of course, with The Monica being part of the El Charro family, how could we not have the mini chimichanga, known as the "sharable" appetizer Mini Chimis Banderas? It is practically a crime not to partake.
So when you're Downtown and thirsty, I highly recommend the Charro Margarita. Or two. 😉